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--- Bibliophile Fridays ---

Bibliophile Fridays is a brand new weekly meme hosted by me and Foxes and Fairy Tales in our Goodreads group. We created this original weekly meme in honor of the bibliophile population (we are a dying breed you know). We're super excited to share this with our followers and we hope you will all join us in our fight to raise awareness for the bibliophile population!
Louise or I will try to post the list of weekly themes at least two months in advance because we both know how hectic blogging can be! So how does this work? Following the weekly theme, you'll create a blog post listing your top FIVE favorite books (one's you have or have not read) that meets the weekly criteria. Then, you will pick ONE (or ALL of them, it's really up to you) to feature. For your featured book you may include some of the following (however you have complete freedom to make the post as original as you would like as long as you are following the theme): the cover (original or favorite), synopsis, buy links, teaser/excerpt, playlist, dream cast, etc., and a brief summary explaining why you have chosen to feature that particular book.
Once you've gotten your post up on your blog (or Facebook/Goodreads page), make sure to share your link in the Bibliophile Fridays Goodreads discussion thread - LINKS. Also, if you'd like to tweet your posts with the #BFridayPosts and tag both @whoogiveahoot and @foxesfairytale, we will kindly retweet them for you! With your help, we'll be able to spread the word!
If you have any suggestions for future weekly themes, please feel free to leave a comment below or head over to our Goodreads page and leave one there (we will fully credit any ideas that we use). Happy Reading! :)
--- Future Bibliophile Friday Themes ---
December 23: Holiday Wish List! Since it's the Holiday season, pick 5 books that you hope to get this year (or books you plan to gift yourself).
December 30: Happy "Almost" New Year! The end of 2016 is quickly approaching so pick out your top 5 books released this year!
January 6: Happy New Year! Pick 5 books that you are super excited to be released this year!
January 13: In honor of Friday the 13th, pick 5 scary or suspenseful book books!
January 20: National Cheese Lover's Day! Pick 5 books where romance plays an important part.
January 27: The year's just getting started, pick 5 books that got you into reading, or into a new genre.
--- Past Bibliophile Friday Themes ---
1. Daylight Savings Time
2. National Family Literacy Month
3. Time Capsule
4. Happy "Belated" Thanksgiving!
5. Special Education Day!
6. The Christmas Elves
7. National "Ugly" Jumper Day!
8. Holiday Wish List!
just a girl fighting to raise awareness for the bibliophile population one book at a time...
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