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TRAILER REVEAL - Reckless Touch


Reckless Touch by Veronica Larsen

Genre: Suspense

Release Date: November 7, 2016


He crowds everything into corners just by stepping into a room. Steely, cold, and focused, he’d do anything to keep me safe. Except there is no safe and there is no us. There’s only stolen moments and reckless touches. Secrets and lies. And the stranger who wants me dead. Cast in shadows and biding his time, he pulls on the threads of my life hoping I'll come undone. Even surrounded by people I'm completely alone.I am afraid. But I don’t want to feel safe. I want to feel prepared. Fear doesn't have to be my weakness. Fear can be the fire in my veins. Fear might just keep me alive tonight.



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Veronica Larsen’s romance novels are angst-driven and steamy. They tend to feature strong female leads who keep their male counterparts on their toes. Veronica enjoys building intense chemistry and anticipation while creating believable, down-to-earth romances. She’s an avid reader of all genres, coffee addict, and a Harry Potter fanatic.



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just a girl fighting to raise awareness for the bibliophile population one book at a time...

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