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Cover Reveal - Ink and Bone

Ink and Bone by Skyla Madi

Series: New York Crime Kings #5

Genre: New Adult, Romance

Release Date: November 2016

Buy Now: Links Coming Soon!

Synopsis Amidst the chaos of my life, I’ve realized that not all wars can be won. I see it now. My stubbornness was peeled away, allowing me to see through my unrealistic desire to take down a powerful criminal empire. I see it…and it’s too late. I never could turn my back on family—even when I know I should. It would have been okay. It should have been okay…but it wasn’t, and now the stain of betrayal is too prominent to ignore. I blame my brother… I blame my friend... …I blame myself


Skyla Madi is an Australian writer from Brisbane, Queensland. She started her writing career fresh out of high school and at 21 she is a giver of both real and fictional life. Madi is an Aquarian, lover of the written word and author of the #1 BESTSELLING Consumed trilogy. Connect with the author: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads


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just a girl fighting to raise awareness for the bibliophile population one book at a time...

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