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Blog Tour & Review - Saving Grace

Saving Grace by Mignon Mykel

Series: Loving Meadows #1

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance

Release Date: December 18, 2016

Buy Now: Amazon / B&N / Kobo / iBooks


He calms me. An unexpected long-distance friendship showed Gracelyn Dewey the ease of some relationships. Very few people could get past her walls and even then, fewer had the ability to see through her anxieties.

With him, she finds more—but circumstances wouldn’t allow them to keep it. Instead, they find an easy friendship with one another.

Until it wasn’t easy any more.

She grounds me. In his line of work, Sawyer Meadows sees some gut wrenching things. He sees broken people, wounded people, fearful people. He loves his job, yet is losing a piece of himself in the mix.

But there was always her. Drawn to her quiet smile, he has always known she was meant to be something special to him.

A fact that became painfully evident when she found someone else to hold her.

Somewhere along the way, we lost it.

They are given one weekend together to fix their friendship.

The days can’t go off without any hitches though. When her recent past and his career collide, they’ll have to decide—is the distance enough to keep them apart? Or are they through letting everything else dictate their happiness?

She’s my saving grace, and I plan on saving her in the process.


I received this ARC from the author & IndieSagePR in exchange for an honest review.

I was given the opportunity to read this book during the editing stages as part of Mignon Mykel's BETA team and decided to take part in this blog tour to get the word out for this extraordinary book. Since discovering this amazing author I haven't missed a chance to read her books. The first book I ever read from her was Interference (Prescott Family #1) which is Caleb and Sydney's story of how they met. I absolutely adored their story and how it unfolded, so I was super excited that Sawyer Meadows (Sydney's brother) was getting his own story with Gracelyn Dewey (a character we met in Interference). Sawyer and Grace met a few years ago at Caleb and Sydney's wedding and quickly became fast friends after a night of passion. Although their friendship worked for a while, they both wanted something more. Unfortunately, the distance is a huge factor that keeps them from exploring more. When Sawyer comes to town to visit his sister, Grace and him become closer than ever. Will they finally make it work, or was their relationship doomed from the beginning? To find out what happens, pick up your copy of Saving Grace today!



About Mignon Mykel

Mignon Mykel is the author of the Prescott Family series, as well as the short-novella erotic romance series, O’Gallagher Nights. When not sitting at Starbucks writing whatever her characters tell her to, you can find her hiking in the mountains of her new home in Arizona. Connect with the author: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads / Newsletter


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